The band pre-recorded a live set at WFMU, in Jersey City, for Dark Night of the Soul with Julie, weekly 4h-show on Give the Drummer Radio Stream. The live set was recorded and engineered with Julie and Irene Trudel.

Tuesday, November 28th, 3pm – 7pm
on Dark Night of the Soul with Julie
(on Give the Drummer Radio stream)
Bicontinental ambient gaze duo Tremosphere make their live performance debut on the WFMU/Give the Drummer Radio streamwaves. With just one echoing guitar, reminiscent of the 4AD label in its heyday, and sultry female vocals Tremosphere skates gently along a wall of noise treading both into sorrowful dips and heavenly euphoria along its drone.

Julie will air the set on her show Tuesday November 28.

More infos:

Listen (again) to the live set on WFMU archives.